
Bruno Gullo

Cown Bruno Gullo mit Tamborin

Bruno Gullo

Wie für einen kreativen Tausendsassa üblich, kennt der Italiener weder Genregrenzen noch Berührungsängste. Mit internationalen Shows gastierte der studierte Jazzmusiker und Commedia dell'Arte-Künstler auf Festivalbühnen rund um den Globus. 2011 gründete er in Madrid mit Kateleine van der Maas seine eigene Musiktheatergruppe Canti Vaganti.

About the Artist

Jester, musician, performer ...

... and theatre producer. Bruno Gullo studied jazz, musical harmony and Commedia dell'Arte in Rome. He has been living in Madrid, Spain, since 2006. He played as actor and accordionist for years in large-scale shows such as 'The Hole', the most brilliant cabaret in Spain; or 'Mayumana Rumba', a creation of the Israeli body percussion company Mayumana with which he trained in Israel and went on international tours.

In 2011, he founded the musical theatre company Canti Vaganti in Madrid with the Dutch actress and musician Kateleine van der Maas. Their shows have been performed in 11 countries with big success. He has always exported his Italianness, as can be seen in his theatrical creations. 'Piccolino' is a show for early childhood that combines music, theatre and cinema. To create 'Pinocchio', he turned to David Ottone, one of Spain's most creative theatre directors, and assembled a team of 12 performing arts professionals. The show 'Always on the road' reflects his way of living: making people happy with music, humour, a deep message and good energy.

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