
Camilo Saverio Abate

Saverio Abate, Clown Camilo
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Clown Camilo

He masters the magic of clowning with bravura, skill and heart. As Clown Camilo, the Turin-born multi-artist moves audiences at street art and theatre festivals across Europe. His creative talent is also evident in numerous cabaret and theatre productions of his own.

Über den Künstler

Clown Camilo beim Seiltanz

From tightrope walking to cabaret

Saverio Abate, aka Clown Camilo, was born in Turin (Italy) and learnt the art of clowning from the best teachers. He has acquired multidisciplinary skills: Tightrope walking, trombone, tap dancing, juggling, mime, acrobatics, etc. He has produced numerous short cabaret acts and five of his own theatre shows. As a white clown, he speaks to all audiences without words, regardless of age or nationality.

Camilo has performed at many national and international theatre and street festivals in and outside Europe, and already has a remarkable international solo career.

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