SOUNDFLIX #3: Love Stories

Mei-Ann Chen dirigiert das Styriarte Youth Orchestra
© Nikola Milatovic


The Mei-Ann Chen dirigiert das SOUNDFLIX Orchestra Soundflix Orchestra becomes entangled in love stories without an end - from Bernstein's "West Side Story" to Titanic. Mei-Ann Chen dirigiert Mei-Ann Chen conducts and Christoph Steiner lachend Christoph Steiner switches through the sounds.

The live music show from Styriarte

Never-ending love stories

Ein junger Mann gerät in Turbulenzen: Er stößt bei einem entspannten Netflix-Abend auf eine Filmmusik-Schiene mit dem Namen Soundflix und verstrickt sich dort in Liebesgeschichten ohne Ende. Von Romeo und Julia über Bernsteins „West Side Story“ bis zur ikonischen Liebesszene auf der Titanic kurz vor dem Aufprall auf den Eisberg ist alles da, und praktischerweise ist ein ganzes Orchester, das „Soundflix Youth Orchestra“ samt seiner Dirigentin Mei-Ann Chen angetreten, diese legendären Nummern live zu präsentieren. Die dritte Ausgabe der Produktion „Soundflix“ aus dem Hause Styriarte spielt der Grazer Publikumsliebling Christoph Steiner. Ideal für jungen Leute ab 12. 


Love Stories. Music by Leonard Bernstein, Ralph Vaughan-Williams, James Horner a. o. 

Duration: approx. 60 min. without a break


Prices: EUR 24 / 36 / 48

U27: Young people under 27 receive a 50% discount in advance and at the box office. From 15 minutes before the start of the performance, remaining tickets are available for EUR 5.

Soundflix Orchestra


The Soundflix Orchestra consists of young musicians especially engaged for our Soundflix shows. Under the direction of conductor Mei-Ann Chen, they thrill the audience with the most famous film scores.

Mei-Ann Chen


Born in Taiwan, Mei-Ann Chen has lived in the US since 1989 and holds a doctorate in music (conducting) and a master’s degree in violin performance. One of America’s most promising young conductors, she was the first woman to win the Malko International Conductors Competition and has been appointed chief conductor of Recreation Graz beginning fall 2021.

Christoph Steiner

Story teller

As an actor, author, singer and Austrian poetry slam champion, Graz-born Christoph Steiner is at home on many stages and is a convincing musical performer at Graz Opera, a permanent member of the ensemble at Next Liberty and captain of the children's room at Styriarte.