



Due to a lack of duo literature for piano and accordion, Thaïs-Bernarda Bauer and Alexander Christof decided to simply deconstruct the edges of musical records. Since then, the pianist from Graz and the Granada accordionist have been skilfully juggling pop, jazz, Latin and classical ingredients to create modern chamber music with an individual touch.

About the duo

eine Rarität im Duett

Thaïs-Bernarda Bauer, piano
Alexander Christof, accordion

Although piano and accordion harmonise wonderfully, this combination is extremely rare!

Thaïs-Bernarda Bauer and Alexander Christof make the old new and the new new. Exceptional arrangements, original interpretations and a performance worth seeing!

What does a hit by the Eurythmics sound like in baroque style? Wasn't jazz always Johann Sebastian Bach's true passion? And does Michael Jackson have a place alongside Astor Piazzolla?

In Suite Dreams, the duo explores these questions and brings a series of fantastically beautiful pieces to the stage. In an attempt to build a bridge between different musical styles, the programme includes arrangements of popular classics as well as original compositions.

DESUSTU takes the audience into a world of captivating sounds and harmonies - charming, honest and with a sense of humour.

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