
Hirundo Maris

Hirundo Maris
© Werner Kmetitsch

Hirundo Maris

Moving between Norway and Catalonia, the ensemble specialises in early music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, in its own creations and early fusion. With acoustic guitar, dobro, double bass and percussion, Hirundo Maris takes you into the worlds of Nordic and Mediterranean music.

About the ensemble

Hirundo Maris mit Instrumenten

on musical flows between Norway and Catalonia

In 2009, in Basel Switzerland Arianna Savall and Petter Udland Johansen founded the group Hirundo Maris, specialising in early music from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, as well as their own compositions and early fusion. Their creative core is Mediterranean and Nordic music, the fruit of their extensive musical partnership. Like a migratory bird, they retrace the routes across seas and music that have linked Scandinavia with the Iberian Peninsula since time immemorial.  Hirundo Maris regularly appears at numerous festivals around Europe.

Hirundo Maris recorded their first disc Chants du Sud et du Nord under Manfred Eicher’s prestigious ECM record label.

Cast at PSALM Festival 25

Arianna Savall, soprano, gothic harp & baroque triple harp
Petter Udland Johansen, tenor, baroque violin & mandolin
Ian Harrison, cornetto mutuo, flutes & bagpipe
Heidi Gröger, viola da gamba 
Marco Vitale, organ & harpsichord
Miquel Angel Cordero, double bass
Michael Metzler, percussion 

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