
MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt

MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt  vor gelbem U-Bahn Wagon
© Raphael Fischer-Dieskau

MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt

MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt is an international male vocal quintet from Berlin. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes by mistake, but always with fun, they always go against the grain with folk songs, works of classical music, American songs, French chansons etc. and occasionally against expectations.

MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt can be experienced at

About the ensemble

MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt zwischen roten Säulen

MännerGesangs­Verein 2.0

As students of opera singing at HfM Hanns Eisler in Berlin the singers founded the multi-national MGV Walhalla zum Seidlwirt (including Turkey, Israel, Austria, England).

They give the genre "MännerGesangsVerein" an upgrade for the 21st century. The core characteristics of an MGV - the fun of making music together, exuberance and authenticity - have remained. They added classical vocal harmony, artistic integrity and a portion of self-irony.

This gives Walhalla zum Seidlwirt a unique lightness and openness beyond traditional dogmas. Their repertoire is correspondingly diverse. From classical music and operetta to barbershop songs & chansons and folk songs from the singers home countries, they have something to your taste.

On top of that, the audiences always play a part in the performances and they get them on their feet. In short, Walhalla zum Seidlwirt guarantees artistic intensity, humorous authenticity and lots of unexpectedness - for EVERYONE!

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