Des Kaisers Nachtigall

Des Kaisers Nachtigall


In the hands of Latvian composer Uģis Prauliņš, Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale has been transformed into an impressive choral fairy tale. Sänger des Vocalforum Graz unter Franz M. Herzog Vocalforum Graz sings for us, Josefstadt star Michael Dangl auf der Bühne Michael Dangl narrates and flautist Flötistin Maria Fedotova Maria Fedotova becomes the nightingale.


Choral tale with a nightingale

Travellers from all over the world came to the emperor's city and admired it, the castle and the garden. But when they heard the nightingale, they all said: 'That's the best! Inconspicuous to the eye, the nightingale's beguiling song becomes the saviour of the Emperor of China. Latvian composer Uģis Prauliņš transformed Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale into a spherical choral work in 2010. The Vocalforum Graz, under the direction of Franz Herzog, brings this impressive sound tale to the stage of the Helmut List Halle. Josefstadt star Michael Dangl narrates the story and Maria Fedotova brings the graceful songbird to life on her flutes. A wonderful afternoon for all the family!

Duration of the performance: 70 minutes without intermission


Price: EUR 72 / 48 / 24


Vocalforum Graz


The voices of the Graz Chamber Choir shine clearly. Since its founding in 1986, the choir has not only enriched the local musical life, but has also celebrated guest performances near and far abroad. The musical focus is on the one hand on the early baroque, and on the other hand on the immediate present with numerous premieres and first performances.

Franz M. Herzog

Choir director

The Austrian conductor, composer and lecturer for choral conducting and choral voice training has already achieved numerous international successes. For his artistic direction of the "Voices of Spirit" festival, for example, he received the appreciation award of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research. In 2011 he founded the Gospel & Jazz Choir at the Johann-Joseph-Fux Conservatory in Graz, where he is currently the director of the choral conducting course.

Maria Fedotova


At the tender age of eight, the Russian flutist made her debut alongside her father with the Mariinsky Chamber Orchestra in St Petersburg. An engagement with Moscow's Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra followed, and in 2012 she was appointed principal flutist of the famous Mariinsky Orchestra. Alongside actor Michael Dangl, this remarkable performer regularly takes local audiences on lyrical, narrative journeys.

Michael Dangl


In addition to his major roles in film and on stage, the star actor from Salzburg also devotes himself intensively to music - whether as a piano-playing performer at his home theatre in the Josefstadt or in musical readings, which he organises together with Konstantin Wecker, Gidon Kremer or the Rheinische Philharmonie.