Peter und der Wolf

Peter und der Wolf


Under the direction of Kinderzimmer captain Christoph Steiner lachend Christoph Steiner , the young audience travels with Cornelia Dexl and the virtuoso Wolf Gang from Styriarte to Sergei Prokofiev's immortal musical fairy tale ‘Peter and the Wolf’.


Wolf at Kinderzimmer

Die Oboe schnattert wie die Ente, die Querflöte zwitschert wie das Vöglein, und die Horner verraten uns, dass der Wolf gleich um die Ecke schleicht. Im ersten Projekt aus unserem neuen „Kinderzimmer“ bezaubert dessen Kapitän Christoph Steiner das junge Publikum mit einer fantastischen Reise in Sergei Prokofjews unsterbliches Musikmarchen „Peter und der Wolf“.

Zum Leben erweckt werden Peters grüner Garten und so manche Kindheitserinnerung von der Wolf-Gang aus dem Hause Styriarte, deren Mitglieder sich aus der jungen Garde des Orchesters Recreation und aus Kolleg:innen unserer Nachwuchsprojekte speisen. Wir sind gespannt, wohin die Reise unter dem Kommando unseres neuen Kinderzimmer-Kapitäns geht!

Ideal for young people aged between 6 and 11.

Duration of the performance: approx. 50 minutes without intermission


Price: EUR 15 (children) / 25 (adults)



The children's room at Styriarte is the home of our virtuoso Wolf-Gang. Alongside Captain Christoph Steiner, the musicians whisk the young audience away to the most imaginative chapters of music history.

Yevgeny Chepovetsky


Precise and gallant, the young Latvian has caused a storm of applause with his daring string playing in the most prestigious venues in the country. Since studying in Vienna and Graz, the multiple prize-winner of international competitions has established himself as an expert in chamber music highlights - including rarely performed repertoire, which he performs primarily with the Oberton String Octet.

Cornelia Dexl


The creative multi-talent learnt her passion for the stage at an early age and made her debut in kindergarten as the Rainbow Fish. Born in Graz, she studied acting at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences and has since appeared at the Chemnitz Theatre, in Carl Orff's children's opera ‘Die Kluge’ at the Salzburg Festival and in ‘Moby Dick’ at the Graz Schauspielhaus.

Christoph Steiner

Story teller

As an actor, author, singer and Austrian poetry slam champion, Graz-born Christoph Steiner is at home on many stages and is a convincing musical performer at Graz Opera, a permanent member of the ensemble at Next Liberty and captain of the children's room at Styriarte.