
Irina Karamar­kovic

Irina Karamarkovic in blauem Kleid
© Nikola Milatovic

Irina Karamarkovic

Irina Karamarkovic completed her studies in jazz singing at the University of Arts in Graz. As a singer, she moves from a cappella to electronics to collaborations with big bands. She also works as a composer and arranger and is successful as an award-winning author.

Irina Karamarkovic mit Finger vor dem Mund

Jazz singer with a gift for writing

Irina Karamarkovic is a singer, composer, arranger, ensemble leader and author. She studied jazz singing at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz. Live she shows herself in different performance formats - from a cappella to collaboration with big bands or in the electronic field.

She wrote her doctoral thesis at the KUG on the presence of music from South-Eastern Europe in the Austrian jazz scene. During an engagement in the musical "The Black Rider" she met Sandy Lopicic, with whose orchestra she performed from 1998 and with whom she recorded two CDs.

In response to the Kosovo war, she recorded the album "Songs from Kosovo" with her quartet, which was released in 2009. Irina Karamarković is also very successful as an award-winning writer.

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