
Fetish Baroque

Ensemble Fetish Baroque

Ensemble Fetish Baroque

Fetish Baroque brings early music into the new millennium: under the direction of jack-of-all-trades Michael Hell, opera singing, classical instruments and dangerous acrobatics make for a tingling show that remains incomparable.

about the Ensemble

Ensemble Fetish Baroque

Garanten für prickelnde Shows

Iris Vermillion, mezzo-soprano
Dietrich Henschel, baritone
Evilyn Frantic, acrobatics (fire, wax, swords)
Didac Cano, acrobatics (rope, diabolo)
Lidewij van der Voort, violin
Agatha Front, violin
Gunda Hagmüller-Wieninger, viola
Alex Gropper, violoncello 
Georg Kroneis, violone & viola da gamba 
Katalin Horvath, traverso 
Kevin Manent-Navratil, harpsichord & organ
Direction: Michael Hell, harpsichord & flautino 

Fetish Baroque brings early music into the new millennium and uses everything the 21st century has to offer: Light technology, sound technology, fog machines, pole poles, costumes, body painting, disco balls and gut strings, baroque bows, trills and theorbos. The musicians from the European metropolises of Barcelona, Palermo, Paris, Cologne, Vienna and Graz are in the mood for a historically informed approach to the content of music.

Fetish Baroque finally present their art to a new generation that wants more than the Vienna Philharmonic's New Year's Concert on ORF 2, Alla Turca ringtones on their mobile phones and Youtube monks holding Handel's Hallelujah text in the air.

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