
The lionesses

Mirabel Ekhae beim Interview in der Helmut List Halle

Student Mirabel Ekhae attended the PSALM Easter Festival and wrote a text on gender equality for the “New Directions for Classical Music” project.  

The Psalm 2022 Programme was mind blowing but also quite different. “Be the change” was based on variety of goals that the United Nation intend to achieve. It also speaks of the goals we strive to accomplish. Gender equality played a big role in the PSALM programme. 

We can all agree that anyone reading this would not like to be treated differently. Just because of their gender, heritage, beliefs, sexuality, etc.

Gender Equality – are we there yet?  

The answer is NO! There are still massive things that need to be normalized or equalize.
Why is it that amid many world leader meetings, Angela Merkel was the only female leader present? 

In 2021 the United States of America got its first female vice president. If there will ever be a female President in America, remains an unsolved mystery. Has there ever been a female president in Austria?  

Gender equality is like a house. Building a house has several stages, the foundation, the walls, the roof, and finally the interior design of the house. While some countries are still dwelling on the foundation, others have progressed to the roofing. The sad part is that no country has yet gotten to the final stage of finishing the house. 

Each and every one of us certainly does have an answer on why this movement towards gender equality is taking too long to develop. But the most common answer would be that there is a lack of support. 

Die Löwinnen – The lionesses  

This programme was a reference to Gender Equality. There were five women from Zimbabwe who performed traditional and new a capella music. Nobuntu is the name of the group and they were the first female Imbube group from Zimbabwe. 

Nobuntu auf der bunten Psalm-Bühne
© Styriarte

They interacted with the audience during the show, which was entertaining and interesting. A great deal of the topic “Gender Equality” was discussed in the music. Furthermore, men were encouraged to support and stand up for Gender Equality. “It is not only the female that has to fight for equality, but men must also join in” was highlighted by one of the women from the Nobuntu group. 

Mirabel Ekhae:

Die 21-jährige Schülerin aus Graz arbeitet seit 2017 im Konzertteam im Hause Styriarte und zählt somit trotz ihres jungen Alters schon zum „alten Eisen“. Wenn sie sich nicht gerade um die Zufriedenheit der Konzertbesucher:innen kümmert, beschäftigt sie sich mit Themen wie Feminismus oder plant in Gedanken den nächsten Städtetrip.

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