Apéro im Palais

Konzert der Palais Attems Hofkapelle in den Prunkräumen des Palais Attems
© Nikola Milatovic

Concert of Palais Attemshofkapelle at Styriarte.STUDIO


Baroque splendour and baroque sound at Portal des Palais Attems in Graz Palais Attems, the most beautiful house in Graz.


Insights into the Styriarte 2024 programme

Im Grazer Palais Attems wird nicht nur eines der Highlights der Styriarte 2024 seinen Anfang nehmen, ein Dreitages-Spektakel, das unser Publikum in den Sommer 1750 zurückbeamt. Im schönsten Haus von Graz stellen wir heuer im Rahmen eines „Styriarte-Apéro“ auch wieder unser pralles Programm des Sommers 24 vor, in Kurzkonzerten und in Gesprächen in allen Etagen. In der Mitte des Programms: eintauchen in die Wunderwelt von Claudio Monteverdi. Sein „Orfeo“ wird eines der zentralen Stücke der kommenden Styriarte sein. La Musica selbst hat sich angesagt, Franz Schubert kommt vorbei, und worauf Sie sich sonst noch freuen dürfen, erzählen Karl Böhmer und Mathis Huber.

Presentation of the programme in three stages

Styriarte.STUDIO (Ist floor)

Songs without words

Franz Schubert: An die Musik
Lera Auerbach (*1973): Postlude from 24 preludes with postlude for violoncello and piano
Felix Mendelssohn: Lied ohne Worte, op. 109
Clara Schumann: No 3 "Leidenschaftlich schnell",  from Three Romances for violin (arr. for Violoncello) and piano, op. 22

Marilies Guschlbauer, violoncello
Julia Rinderle, piano

Affensaal (2nd floor)

Music by Gasparo Zanetti, Salamone Rossi, Claudio Monteverdi und Marco Uccellini

Palais Attems Hofkapelle:
Manako Ito, violin
Pantea Moshfegh, violin
Jan Zdansky, violoncello
Lucie Krajčírovičová, harpsichord

Büstensaal (2nd floor)

Die Macht der Musik – Presentation of the Styriarte 2024 programme

Styriarte artistic director Mathis Huber and Styriarte dramaturge Karl Böhmer in conversation

duration: approx. 75 minutes without a break


Price: EUR 11

ATTENTION: the Palais Attems is not barrier-free accessible.

Marilies Guschlbauer


The Austrian cellist who studied in Salzburg, Berlin and Vienna is a scholarship holder of the Villa Musica Rheinland-Pfalz Foundation. Since 2016, she has toured many countries around the world. In addition to numerous other prizes, she received three prizes at the isa - International Summer Academy in 2023. Her debut CD "Les Grandes Dames" will also be released in 2024.

Julia Rinderle


Born in Memmingen in 1990, Julia Rinderle completed her studies in Hanover and Salzburg. She began performing with orchestras at the age of 13. The versatile artist impresses both as a soloist with orchestras and as an accomplished chamber music partner. She has been a lecturer at the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre since 2020.

Johanna Rosa Falkinger


Trained in Vienna and Linz, her engagements have taken her to the Salzburg Festival, the Wuppertal Opera and the Vienna Burgtheater, among others. This year, the winner of international competitions can be heard with Jordi Savall in Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream at the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, but she has also performed with the Concentus Musicus and the Vienna Academy.

Palais Attems Hofkapelle


The small instrumental ensemble was created especially for productions of the Styriarte at Palais Attems in Graz. In the manner of the court bands of stately houses, the ensemble, which is assembled from the ranks of the Orchestra Recreation, plays courtly chamber music of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Mathis Huber

Programming director

Mathis Huber, 1958 in Graz geboren, studierte Oboe, Musikerziehung und Musikwissenschaft sowie Geschichte. Er arbeitete für die Kleine Zeitung, den ORF und als Studienassistent am Institut für Musikwissenschaft in Graz, bevor er 1990 zum Intendanten der Styriarte bestellt wurde – eine Funktion, die er bis heute mit großem Engagement innehat.

Karl Böhmer


Since 1992, the Mainz-born dramaturge has been shaping the programs at Styriarte and inspiring our audiences with his knowledge of music history. As a staff member and managing director of the Villa Musica Landesstiftung Rhineland-Palatinate, he has written texts on more than 4,000 chamber music works and, as an honorary professor at the Mainz University of Music, conducts research primarily on the music of the 18th century.