Johanna von Orleans


The Styriarte veterans Sänger der Capella Reial de Catalunya La Capella Reial de Catalunya , Hespèrion XXI Hespèrion XXI and Jordi Savall mit Viola da Gamba Jordi Savall tell the story of Joan of Arc with music of the 15th century.


What to expect

The French national saint „Jeanne la Pucelle“ (Joan the Virgin) in a great sound panorama by Jordi Savall
With music of the 15th century from Guillaume Dufay, Johannes Vincenet, Josquin Desprez a. o. 

Duration: round two hours with a break 


Prices: EUR 44 / 66 / 99

U27 (for all under 27) & Ö1 Intro: 50 % reduction

La Capella Reial de Catalunya


Created by Montserrat Figueras and Jordi Savall, the ensemble is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of the polyphonic vocal heritage of the Middle Ages and the pre-19th century Hispanic and European Golden Age. Composed mainly of famous voice specialists from the Hispanic region, the Capella Reial makes every concert an event.

Hespèrion XXI


The Early Music Ensemble is committed to the original spirit of its repertoire, which consists of works from the Middle Ages to the Baroque, and offers its audiences the opportunity to immerse themselves in the aesthetic delicacy of the time by using period instruments.

Jordi Savall

Viola da Gamba & Conductor

There is no early music fan who does not know the name Jordi Savall. There is no award that the "Ambassador of the European Union for Cultural Dialogue" has not won in the course of his world career. So it is all the more enjoyable that the Catalan, born in 1941, has been one of the Styriarte's closest and most loyal friends for decades.

Yvonne Klamant

Story teller

Since 2016, Yvonne Klamant has been playing multifaceted roles at the Graz Opera and in the children's and youth theatre Next Liberty. In addition to the stage, visual art is the German actress's second home - she paints and draws by hand and digitally.

Christoph Steiner

Story teller

As an actor, author, singer and Austrian poetry slam champion, Graz-born Christoph Steiner is at home on many stages and is a convincing musical performer at Graz Opera, a permanent member of the ensemble at Next Liberty and captain of the children's room at Styriarte.


the Maid of Orleans

She came from nowhere, spoke of God and roused the French from their state of despair: Jeanne la Pucelle, the Maid of Orleans, remains an enigma to this day. Not much more than a child, how did she manage to succeed where all men had lost all hope? Who betrayed her to the English and why? Jordi Savall reveals the secrets of her life in his musical panorama from time of the Hundred Years War, the backdrop of which was the Europeans’ eternal longing for peace and the longing of the Middle Ages for God.

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