
Secret love inspired Olivier Messiaen when he created his "Visions de l'Amen". P.L. Aimard sitzend, am Steinway Pierre-Laurent Aimard and Tamara Stefanovich blickt zwischen Sesseln hindurch Tamara Stefanovich awaken these hidden feelings on two pianos.


What to expect:

Maurice Ravel: Entre cloches from Sites auriculaires for two pianos  
Oliver Knussen: Prayer Bell Sketch
Harrison Birtwistle: from Harrison Clocks
Olivier Messiaen: Visions de l’Amen für zwei Klaviere

Pierre-Laurent Aimard


The musical sphere of the star pianist from Lyon is boundless. Discovered by Olivier Messiaen at the age of twelve, he has worked with contemporaries such as Boulez, Stockhausen and Ligeti. But his reinterpretations of works by Bach, Mozart and Beethoven also have worldwide reference status.

Tamara Stefanovich


Die serbische Pianistin, Jahrgang 1973, widmet sich mit ihrem hochpräzisen, intellektuell durchleuchteten Klavierspiel besonders intensiv den Werken der Moderne und Gegenwart. Ihre künstlerischen Begegnungen mit den bedeutendsten Komponist*innen, Dirigent*innen und Orchestern ereignen sich auf den wichtigsten Podien rund um den Globus.


Music was the only way for him to express his yearning.

In 1943 Olivier Messiaen met the beautiful young pianist Yvonne Loriod, who was to become his second wife only in 1962. For 19 years their relationship was impossible, since Messiaen was a married man and a Catholic, faithful to his critically ill wife until her death in 1959. Music was the only way for him to express his yearning for Yvonne, especially when the two performed his seven visions of “Amen” for two pianos, composed in 1943 as a cosmic celebration of love.

The performance lasts 60-70 minutes without an interval.

Prices: EUR 22 / 44 / 66


Radiobroadcast: Tu, August 12, 07.30pm, Ö1