Attems-Saga: Treppauf, treppab.


A three-day rococo soap opera starting at Palais Attems in Graz Palais Attems: in Graz: preparations for the empress's visit are in full swing. Adrian Schvarzstein in der Produktion Il Ciarlatano Adrian Schvarzstein sets the scene for the spectacle.
The Attems-Saga
The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga The Attems-Saga
The Attems-Saga

Three days of life lived in 1750

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How it works ...

Three days - a celebration

The premiere of our Attems Saga is a three-day Rococo soap, which can be booked either in its entirety or else in part.

To enjoy the full experience, book the double performance:

You will receive a combined ticket:
You choose your seat for the second part in the Graz Theatre by yourself using the seating plan in our WebShop. For the first part of the Attems Saga on Friday, June 28 , as of 5 pm, chamberlain Hippolyt is responsible for allocating the guests. A few days after your booking, you will receive a message telling you when to arrive at Palais Attems.

To complete the experience, book the sequel, Königliche Bläser on Sunday at Eggenberg Palace.

As the palace is preparing for an imperial visit, you are invited to dress accordingly.


When the Empress is expected, ...

... things get hectic. Countess Attems and her chamberlain know this only too well. There are a thousand things to be seen to – not least cultivated musical entertainment! After all the Count professes to be the representative of Styria and director of the Opera. The singers are all on tenterhooks: who will get the best roles in the opera for the Empress? It has to be up and running by tomorrow …


Tickets for the double performance on Friday (prelude) and Saturday (opera):
EUR 48 / 84 / 108 / 156 / 192

U27 (for all under 27) & Ö1 Intro: 50 % reduction

Maria Köstlin­ger


Maria Köstlinger performed at the Salzburg Landestheater as a child and even ventured into the musical field after her acting training. In addition to theatre stages, the quick-change artist can also be seen in film and on television and appeared in series such as “Der Winzerkönig”, “Tatort” and “Vorstadtweiber”.

Leonhard Srajer


The Steyr-born mime enjoyed his studies in Vienna, including with Burgschauspieler Heinz Zuber. Leonhard Srajer's previous stage roles include Shakespeare's Lysander, Büchner's Leonce and Nestroy's Titus Feuerfuchs. He has appeared in numerous TV productions alongside well-known directors Robert Dornhelm and Uli Brée.

Matthias Ohner


The self-made actor and trained social worker worked for years on theatre education projects to prevent violence. The multi-talent plays with the conventions of theatre and reinvents it. As Gregor Samsa in Kafka’s “Metamorphosis” he celebrated a big success at the Graz Schauspielhaus.


Under the direction of Maria Fürntratt, the singers of the, consisting of students of the HIB Graz-Liebenau, have been offered comprehensive vocal training since 1995. In numerous international performances from Norway to South Africa and Shanghai to San Francisco, the choir's repertoire ranges from Austrian choral tradition to contemporary music.

Maria Fürntratt


The Graz-based teacher of school music, singing and French has received numerous educational and artistic awards for her choral work at the HIB Graz-Liebenau - most recently the Nikolaus Harnoncourt Culture Prize of the Province of Styria in 2018. Maria Fürntratt has also been a senior lecturer for choral pedagogy, teaching and vocal practice and children's and youth voice training at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz since 2007.

Georg Kroneis

Viola da Gamba

Der Grazer singt und spielt Viola da Gamba, Kontrabass, Barockcello und Barockgitarre in den Ensembles Fetish Baroque und ĀrtHouse17 sowie ĀrtHouseOpera und ist in Musiktheater- und Zirkustheaterproduktionen des Cirque Noël von Adrian Schvarzstein umtriebig. Georg reist aber auch mit Soloprogrammen in Europa und darüber hinaus.

Didac Cano

Actor, Acrobat

As a juggler and circus artist, acrobat Didac “Diegolow!” Cano works on his own projects and circus productions. Furthermore, the performer passes on his countless skills as a teacher, he works as a choreographer and lighting designer, among other things, and has thus gained an excellent reputation as a jack-of-all-trades.

Bruno Gullo


Wie für einen kreativen Tausendsassa üblich, kennt der Italiener weder Genregrenzen noch Berührungsängste. Mit internationalen Shows gastierte der studierte Jazzmusiker und Commedia dell'Arte-Künstler auf Festivalbühnen rund um den Globus. 2011 gründete er in Madrid mit Kateleine van der Maas seine eigene Musiktheatergruppe Canti Vaganti.

Mareike Franz


Influenced by dance visionary Susanne Linke, Mareike Franz tells stories with her body. In addition to working with renowned choreographers, the German dancer demonstrates creative sensitivity in unusual, transdisciplinary projects with non-professionals such as children, refugees or people with disabilities.

Camilo Saverio Abate


He masters the magic of clowning with bravura, skill and heart. As Clown Camilo, the Turin-born multi-artist moves audiences at street art and theatre festivals across Europe. His creative talent is also evident in numerous cabaret and theatre productions of his own.

Carlotta Colombo


Über „Gefühle in der Musik“ weiß die Sopranistin aus der Lombardei, Jahrgang 1992, nicht nur aus der Praxis genauestens Bescheid, sondern auch dank ihres gleichnamigen Forschungsschwerpunkts im Studium der Philosophie. An Italiens Häusern ist sie in vielfältigen Rollen zu hören – von Monteverdi und Rameau bis zu Mozart und Rossini.

Anna Manske


Born in Vienna, the mezzo-soprano is at home on both opera stages and concert platforms and has also been celebrated by our audiences since the Styriarte 2018. Her studies at the Mozarteum and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna were followed by numerous international appearances, for example at the Opéra national de Montpellier, the Vienna Musikverein and the Deutsches Theater Berlin.

Valdemar Villadsen


Valdemar Villadsen's extensive opera repertoire ranges from Cavalli's Apollo to Rossini's Almaviva and contemporary title roles. Since studying at the Royal Danish Conservatory of Music, the sought-after tenor has worked with renowned conductors and music houses throughout Europe. In addition, the specialist for Bach oratorios regularly takes a seat in the director's chair himself.

Palais Attems Hofkapelle


The small instrumental ensemble was created especially for productions of the Styriarte at Palais Attems in Graz. In the manner of the court bands of stately houses, the ensemble, which is assembled from the ranks of the Orchestra Recreation, plays courtly chamber music of the 17th and 18th centuries.

Lina Tur Bonet


The violinist from Spain inspires audiences and fellow musicians with her dedication to unknown, unpublished, or rediscovered works and demonstrates her virtuosity as a concert master in baroque ensembles, as a chamber musician and as a soloist.

Michael Hell

Direction, Harpsichord, Recorder

Michael Hell, born in North Rhine-Westphalia, is a virtuoso on both the recorder and the harpsichord whose reputation extends far beyond his adopted home of Graz. He is also a leading expert in basso continuo and historical performance practice, who knows how to convey the rules and history of his art with infectious enthusiasm.

Michael Hofstetter


The Munich-born conductor, born in 1961, has been a very close friend of Styriarte since his highly acclaimed work as chief conductor of the Recreation Orchestra (2012 - 2016). His excellence in the historical practice of baroque and classical music as well as his inspiring enthusiasm on the podium are in demand on the world's great concert and opera stages.

Adrian Schvarzstein


Wherever this man appears, he guarantees to surprise us. Adrian Schvarzstein, born in Buenos Aires in 1967, is not only an actor and clown of international renown, but with his directing works inspired by commedia dell'arte, street art and circus, he turns every musical theatre piece into an adventure for audience and artists alike.

Thomas Höft

Dramatic adviser

Seit 1994 prägen seine Ideen und Erzählungen das Antlitz und die DNA des Hauses Styriarte entscheidend mit. Neben der Dramaturgie, in der sein unkonventioneller Expertensinn für Musikgeschichte(n) immer neue Überraschungen aufspürt, ist der 1961 geborene Niedersachse auch Autor und Regisseur mit europaweitem Wirkungskreis.